"That's pretty stupid!"

Sunday, August 5, 2012

I guess this has to be a somber post.

G had some trouble yesterday as she was throwing up and couldn't get any food down.  Anna took her to the ER today and it looks like she has a kinked bowel.  The surgeon said he really thinks it won't unkink itself and surgery is likely her only option, but he will try to drain her stomach over the next few days in hopes of helping the obstruction to unwind.

It isn't likely it will resolve itself and this is a pretty serious impasse.  G is handling it like a trooper, but is sad she will be in the hospital for the next few days, at the very least.

If you pray, please put her in your prayers.  We love her and maybe this is her time, but we are kind of selfish and want her around as long as possible.


  1. Its not her time. Surgery will fix it &the she will be back to her funny ol self soon. I will say a prayer for her.

    1. Thank you for the thoughts. Unfortunately, she's too high risk for surgery, so she's coming home for hospice care. I appreciate your prayers.

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